
Sophia Nye

Hi! I’m Sophia. I write romance novels. People like them. And I’d love to share my process with you so that you can write them, too!

What You'll Get

  • 12 Lessons

    You'll complete twelve lessons specially designed to take you from an idea to a novel. Complete with videos, PowerPoints, worksheets, and prompts, you'll spend a few weeks immersed in your imagination.

  • A Bundle of Resources

    In addition to the lessons themselves, I've created handouts and cheat sheets that you can continue using long after the course so that you never get stuck in the writing process.

  • Personalized Coaching

    I will be available to help with any bumps or questions along your writing journey. You'll get feedback on your assignments as you go, and once you complete the course we will sit down for an hour-long call to discuss your manuscript.

What You'll Learn

This course is designed by a romance novelist to teach you how to craft (and complete!) a compelling love story.

  • How to create characters and settings that bring your story to life.

  • How to use an outline to set yourself up for success.

  • How to craft different types of scenes.

  • How to combat writer's block and maintain a healthy mindset through challenges.

What You'll Create

  • Wrap Sheet

    We'll spend the beginning of the course compiling all of our story ideas. You'll leave with a full reference guide to all the major elements of your world and characters.

  • Outline & Beat Sheet

    Once we have our ducks (or heroes) in a row, we'll talk about what makes a compelling story and the pieces necessary to create a romance. By the end of this section, you'll have a fully functional outline of your entire novel, and all the tools to update it as needed during the writing process.

  • The First Three Chapters

    I'm not going to make you write your first book in just eight weeks. But I AM going to help you write the first three chapters. We'll go over them together, use them to create a realistic timeline for the project, and dabble in self-editing.

Start living your dreams today

With one-on-one coaching, detailed instructions, and a bundle of resources, writing that first novel has never been easier.


  • How long is this course?

    The course is designed to be completed over eight weeks, but don't panic if it takes longer! You can stay subscribed as long as you need, and you'll have access to the entire course, including any updated material that might be added later.

  • Will I write an entire book in eight weeks?!?!?

    Not unless you're the best type of overachiever. The course is designed to give you all the tools and knowledge and practice you need to finish the book, no holds barred. Everyone writes at a different pace, and until you know that pace you can't know for certain how long a draft will take. But don't worry! We discuss this exact thing during the course to set you up for success.

  • What if I've never written before?

    There's no experience required for this course. We'll cover the basics in the first week, then deep dive together so that everyone--no matter their experience level--is on the same page.

  • What if it's not working for me?

    If you complete the first two weeks of the course material (watch the videos and turn in the assignments) and decide that my methods aren't working for you, I will fully refund the course fee. Everyone learns differently, especially when it comes to creative pursuits. Zero risk. Zero questions.

Stay in touch

Add your email to the mailing list to get the latest updates, even after you've taken the course.

Thank You

Coming June 10, 2024

If you subscribe during the 2024 calendar year, I'm offering a 50% discount. Grab the course for only $25/month. That's all the content of a college course, for the cost of a few lattes.

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